[Ieee_vis] IEEE VIS 2014 CFP: 3DVis Workshop: Does 3D really make sense for Data Visualization?

cfp at vgtc.org cfp at vgtc.org
Thu Jul 17 20:23:26 CEST 2014

 IEEE VIS 2014http://ieeevis.org Call For Papers: International Workshop
on 3DVis: Does 3D really make sense for Data
Visualization?https://sites.google.com/site/3dvisieeevis2014/ **This
half-a-day workshop is a satellite event of the IEEE VIS 2014
conferenceNovember 2015, Paris, France ** The aim of this workshop is to
discuss 3D display and 3D user interfaces for scientific and information
visualization and Visual Analytics. We aim to analyze the state of the art
in 3D visualization and associated interaction; and to review how 3D
displays and user interfaces match human perceptual, cognitive and motor
capabilities.  On one hand, 3D technologies and the recent introduction
of low-cost virtual and augmented reality hardware provide additional
options for display and interaction, which broadens the space of potential
solutions considerably, and pave the way towards a deeper exploration of
the design space for 3D visualization. Better consistency in terms of
dimensions between the visualization and interaction may also improve the
immersion and navigation in huge amounts of data. On the other hand, the
experimental results from studies that investigate the differences between
2D and 3D visualization interfaces provide no real evidence for the claimed
benefits of 3D technologies.Thus, the current body of literature provides
at best inconclusive guidance on the benefits of 3D approaches. Moreover, a
deep consideration of human abilities and capabilities identifies a
potential mismatch with full 3D user interfaces. Yet, there may be a bias
in the evaluations, as the prevalent visualization and interaction
techniques in all areas of visualization are based on non-immersive
technologies. Indeed, this is the heart of the 2D vs. 3D debate. In this
workshop, we would like to present evidence for both sides of this debate,
and also provide directions for future work. We solicit research papers,
technical notes, state of the art, position papers and demonstrations
within the scope of 3D Visualization:• Immersive visualization,
navigation and interaction• 3D for Scientific visualization, Information
visualization, Visual analytics• VR, AR and MR for 3D visualization•
Key factors and issues in 3D Data Visualization• User evaluation of 2D vs
3D The workshop proceedings will consist of all accepted papers and will
be indexed through the IEEE Digital Library.  Submission types:•
Research Papers (up to 8 pages) should describe original research results
or original 3D Vis systems or frameworks• Technical notes (up to 4
pages) should contain unpublished preliminary results of
research, application, design or system work• State of the art reports
(up to 8 pages) should provide surveys on one of the topics of
this workshop• Position Papers (up to 6 pages) should present
interesting and possibly controversial points of view on one of the topics
of this workshop• Demonstrations (up to 2 pages associated to a video)
should illustrate some limitations of the 2D or the 3D approach Deadline
for all categories of submissions: September 21st, 2014Blind submissions
should be made through the Easychair
system: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=3dvisieeevis2014  Contact:Thierry
Duval, Telecom Bretagne (thierry.duval at telecom-bretagne.eu)  

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