[Ieee_vis] Fwd: Posting a workshop

Fisher Brian bfisher at sfu.ca
Tue Apr 22 18:45:39 CEST 2014

I hope this will be of interest to many— please note that there is the possibility of travel support!
Evaluation of Visual Analytics Workshop
Call for Participation
Where: UCSD – San Diego, CA
When: May 20th – 21st, 2014
In many mission-critical applications, evaluation of a visual analytics (VA) technique is essential, but challenging. The factors contributing to the difficulties may include the following:
·       It is usually inappropriate or impractical for VA researchers to obtain authentic data, observe real operations, or seek detailed explanation from actual users.

·       Many mission-critical applications have to deal with unexpected scenarios. Therefore, part of evaluation may have to address the adaptability of the technique for previously unknown or poorly defined tasks.

·       Controlled user studies often over-abstract real world scenarios in order to minimize confounding effects, while relying on participants who do not have the same knowledge and skills as the intended users.

·       Usability evaluation is often based on the users' present understanding of the technique and their satisfaction here and now, forgetting the training needs for users to work with any new technology, especially novel techniques.

If we think of VA as an aspect of computer science, we then ask how human input might best be used to choose an algorithm or restrict the parameters of a model to generate a better/different solution. A science of mixed initiative human-computing systems would not localize cognition in either the human or the algorithm, but would propose an emergent distributed cognitive system that bridges human and computational processes. 
In this workshop, the participants will contribute a variety of solutions that may be able to address the aforementioned difficulties, compile the merits of different schools of thought, map out the scope of evaluation beyond the conventional methodologies, and simulate new research directions, efforts, and opportunities for collaboration.
If you would like to participate in this workshop, please submit the following items by April 30, 2014:
·       500 word statement regarding which problem stated above you would like to focus on, and what expertise you bring to this exploration

·       Current 2-page CV

·       Funding support needed to participate (full travel, partial travel funds – specify). VACCINE has funding to support some travel and lodging costs.

Organizers: Brian Fisher, Min Chen, Sheelagh Carpendale, David Kirsch, David Ebert

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