[Ieee_vis] CFP: ISMAR 2013 - Call for Demonstrations

Arindam Dey aridey at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 13:42:41 CEST 2013

[Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this CFP]

**** ISMAR 2013 -- Call for Demonstrations ***
**** Oct 1 - 4, 2013, University of South Australia, Australia ****

** Scope **
The ISMAR demonstration track is the hands-on part of the conference
for showing your work and engaging with the ISMAR attendees. Your
demonstration can take the shape of a live, interactive demo, a
lab/corporate exhibition, an interactive art exploration or any
combination of these!

We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from
both Science & Technology and Arts, Media, & Humanities communities.
You are free to demonstrate the work presented in the papers, posters
or panel sessions, as well as any new visionary, engaging or thrilling
project not yet presented elsewhere!

The main selection criteria will be the expected general interest of
the demonstration to the Mixed and Augmented Reality community.
Virtual 2D or 3D Kangaroos are also really welcome to be part of the
content of your demonstration!!

** Important Deadlines **

July 10, 2013, 23:59 US Pacific Time: Demonstrations submission deadline

** Submission guidelines **

To submit a proposal for a demo, please send email to
demos_chairs[at]ismar13.org with a PDF document containing:

    - The title of the proposed demonstration
    - The names of the authors
    - The name, telephone number and email address of the contact person
    - A description of your demo including:
        - What makes it unique and special
        - Why will it draw a crowd?
        - Would an AR expert want to see it and why?
        - Keywords
    - Information about the demonstration space:
        - The amount of floor or desktop space needed (length, width,
height in meters)
        - The list of equipment you will bring (be as detailed as you can be)
        - Any power, socket and outlet needs
        - Networking requirements (ethernet, wifi, non-HTTP)
        - Any environment requirements (Does this demonstration
require a dark environment? Does it produce or is sensitive to a large
amount of noise or light? Etc.)
    - Optional: URL of your demo video (Video in QuickTime, MPEG, or
Windows Media Viewer not to exceed 50MB is recommended. Please do NOT
send your video by email.)

(You will get a notification that your email has been received).

** Demonstration Chairs  **
    Ross Smith, University of South Australia
    Maki Sugimoto, Keio University
    Raphael Grasset, TU Graz

*Arindam Dey*
IEEE ISMAR 2013: Online Communications Chair
APCHI 2013: E-publications Chair
Magic Vision Lab.
The University of South Australia
Mobile: +61 425808230
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