[Ieee_vis] WUAV 2013: Call for Participation

Paolo Buono paolo.buono at uniba.it
Wed Jun 5 11:35:00 CEST 2013

[Apologies for multiple postings]

  Call for Participation
1st International *Workshop on **User-Adaptive Visualization* -- WUAV 2013
June 14th, 2013, Rome, Italy
held in conjunction with UMAP 2013, in Rome, Italy

*Recent advances in visualization research have shown that individual 
user needs, abilities, and preferences can have a significant impact on 
visualization effectiveness. It is therefore important to investigate 
visualization techniques that support each user by adapting to such 
individual differences, both in terms of stable (long-term) user traits 
(e.g. perceptual speed, personality), as well as transitory (short-term) 
states (e.g. attention, current task, evolving expertise). To this end, 
we invite participation in the 1st International Workshop on 
User-Adaptive Visualization, held in conjunction with UMAP 2013 
<http://www.dia.uniroma3.it/%7Eumap2013/>. The goal of this workshop is 
to build the foundations for a new research community specifically 
focused on this novel and promising topic of user-adaptive 
visualizations. In particular, it aims to bring together researchers 
from the areas of visualization (including InfoVis, SciVis and Visual 
Analytics), UMAP, HCI, and cognitive/perceptual psychology, in order to 
share and discuss multidisciplinary knowledge relating to user-adaptive 
visualization research.
This full-day workshop will focus on the following four questions: 1) 
what individual user differences should be considered for adaptation, 2) 
when is adaptive support appropriate and/or necessary, 3) how to adapt, 
i.e. what techniques to use and at what level of intrusiveness, and 4) 
how to evaluate. For full details on the workshop focus, please visit 
the workshop website at 
http://www.cs.ubc.ca/~steichen/WUAV2013/index.html.For a sample list of 
previous work on User-Adaptive Visualization, please visit the 
complementary reference page 
The detailed technical program is available online at

  Organizing Committee
*Cristina Conati (University of British Columbia) - conati (at) cs.ubc.ca
Ben Steichen    (University of British Columbia) - steichen (at) cs.ubc.ca
Melanie Tory    (University of Victoria)         - mtory (at) cs.uvic.ca
Paolo Buono     (Università di Bari Aldo Moro)   - paolo.buono (at) uniba.it
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