[Ieee_vis] Call for Papers: Special Multimedia Issue of Visualization and Visual Analytics in Transportation

Michael L. Pack packml at umd.edu
Thu Apr 25 18:50:27 CEST 2013

Call for InfoViz Papers<http://www.journals.elsevier.com/transportation-research-part-c-emerging-technologies/news/visualization-and-visual-analytics-in-transportation/> relevant to the Transportation Domain

Increasingly-mature visualization techniques along with the growing availability and complexity of transportation data present an unprecedented opportunity to tackle a large array of transportation needs. These can include things like: managing traffic with real-time data, facilitating collaboration among decision makers, monitoring and managing system performance, communicating complex concepts to the public, or helping in information discovery.

This special issue of Transportation Research Part C is intended to advance the research, development, use, and understanding of visualization and visual analytics that help contribute to discovery, decision-making, performance management, collaboration, and communication in all aspects of transportation. The scope of this special issue will include, but is not limited to, the following topics:

  *   "Big data" visual analytics
  *   Unique visualizations of "streaming data"
  *   Visualization tools and techniques that mine "high dimensional" data sets
  *   Collaborative visualization for decision making
  *   Visualization of performance measures-especially related to large geographic areas, innovative dashboards, etc.
  *   Analysis of trends and/or predictive "what-if" scenarios in massive data sets
  *   Case-studies that evaluate the benefits of visualization
  *   Public-focused interactive data visualizations
  *   Cluster analysis, pattern recognition, and force-directed graphs

Papers describing advanced prototypes, systems, tools and techniques, as well as general survey papers indicating future directions, are also encouraged.

You are invited to submit a full paper and multimedia files to this special issue of Transportation Research Part C, a prestigious journal in the field.

Submission Method
This special issue will make use of special on-line multi-media features to help authors convey their research more effectively.  In addition to full-papers, each author will be able to submit videos and/or links to interactive demos of their research.  The length of each paper, including abstract and references, may not exceed 10,000 words (note that each table, figure, or photograph accompanying the text is counted as 250 words).  All submissions shall be submitted via the Transportation Research Part C online submission system and go through a normal peer review process.: http://ees.elsevier.com/trc

Key Dates
Submission of full paper online: June 15, 2013
Feedback from first-round reviews issued: September 15, 2013
Revised manuscripts due: December 15, 2013
Feedback from second-round reviews issued (if need be): February 15, 2014
Final manuscripts due: March 15, 2014
Planned publication: 2014

Inquiries should be directed to:
Michael L. Pack, Director
Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory, University of Maryland, 301.405.0722   Email: PackML at umd.edu<mailto:PackML at umd.edu>

Michael L. Pack
Director, CATT Laboratory

University of Maryland
Center for Advanced Transportation Technology
3144 J. Kim Engineering Bldg.
College Park, MD 20742

301.405.0722 (office)
240.676.4060 (cell)


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