[EvA] matlab interface

Carlo Rossi serosole at yahoo.it
Wed Dec 28 17:24:25 CET 2011

 I've got a problem playing with EVA2 MAtlab Interface. I followed the 
instruction, and I put @Jinterface and 'testfun.m' within my 
\mydocument\Matlab directory. But this below went wrong; what is it? How 
can I fix it? I'm not very keen on Matlab... 

 Thanks in advance. 

>> JI = JEInterface(@testfun, 'double', R) 
Setting up JEInterface... 
Double valued search space, dimension: 3 
          Display: [] 
      MaxFunEvals: 10000 
          MaxIter: [] 
           TolFun: 1.0000e-004 
      TolFunEvals: 200 
             TolX: 1.0000e-004 
        TolXEvals: 200 
    CreateStopBox: 1 
    NiceSleepTime: 0 

Java object created 
Real valued problem in 3 dimensions and range [-5 5;-5 5;-5 5] 

Testing value: 4.6489     -3.4239      4.7059 
JEInterface: Test function evaluation failed: 
Input argument "y" is undefined. 
??? Input argument "y" is undefined. 

Error in ==> testfun at 6 
switch y 

Error in ==> JEInterface.testEvalFunc at 44 
        res = feval(int.f, x); 

Error in ==> JEInterface.JEInterface at 146 

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