[afgn] ACPD 2018 meeting
Jan Petrasek
petrasek at ueb.cas.cz
Tue Mar 27 15:07:19 CEST 2018
Dear colleagues,
this is kindly announce that the deadline for abstract submissions for this year ACPD symposium (Auxins and Cytokinins in Plant Development, July 1-6, Prague, Czech Republic) is extended to April 3, https://www.acpd2018.org/important-dates/.
We have now more than 200 participants registered as well as highly attractive group of confirmed speakers https://www.acpd2018.org/confirmed-speakers/.
On behalf of organisers
Jan Petrasek
RNDr. Jan Petrášek, Ph.D.
Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR
Head of the Laboratory of Hormonal Regulations in Plants
Head of the Imaging facility
Rozvojová 263
165 02 Praha 6
Czech Republic
petrasek at ueb.cas.cz
Researcher ID: C-8240-2009
Tel: +420 225 106 435
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