[afgn] FEBS practical course: "Microspectroscopy: Functional imaging of biological systems" 2018

Yvonne Stahl Yvonne.Stahl at hhu.de
Thu Jan 25 14:44:15 CET 2018

Dear colleagues,


please find in the link below information about our upcoming FEBS practical
course: “Microspectroscopy: Functional imaging of biological systems” which
will be held from 11th to 20th September 2018 in Nijmegen and Wageningen




The registration deadline is 1st of June 2018, after which we will select
around 20 participants.

Please share this information with other colleagues.


With kind regard and on behalf of the organizing team

Yvonne Stahl



PD Dr. Yvonne Stahl 


Heinrich-Heine University

Institute for Developmental Genetics


Universitätsstr. 1

D-40225 Düsseldorf

Tel.: +49(0)211 81 15809


Email:  <mailto:Yvonne.Stahl at hhu.de> Yvonne.Stahl at hhu.de

Homepage:  <http://www.devgen.hhu.de/en/ag-stahl.html>







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