[afgn] Fwd: ICAR2017 Information

Luise H. Brand brand at mpipz.mpg.de
Fri Jan 6 08:42:18 CET 2017

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	ICAR2017 Information
Datum: 	Thu, 5 Jan 2017 17:46:27 +0000
Von: 	Geraint Parry <geraint at GARNETCOMMUNITY.ORG.UK>
Antwort an: 	Geraint Parry <geraint at GARNETCOMMUNITY.ORG.UK>
Organisation: 	GARNet

Dear Arabidopsis Researchers,

The International Conference of Arabidopsis Research (ICAR2017) will
take place in St Louis, USA between June 19-23rd.

Meeting information can be found at:

Registration will open soon!

Below is some further information from the event organiser Joanna

The conference website is being finalized and will be up soon.
I've received some inquiries on dates to submit abstracts to be
considered for a short talk, and also for travel grant opportunities,
and wanted to share with the Arabidopsis community.

Please share the important information with your labs and colleagues on
funding deadlines and how to present your research at the meeting.

This year the **Danforth Center will host the official conference party
and will hold an Open House with tours of their high tech facilities.**
We will also have a special session with members of industry during that
open house for students and postdocs (and other scientists) interested
in a career in industry, followed by an informal networking social event
for event attendees and industry partners.

Key information:
1. March 31- abstract submission deadline for being considered for
giving a short talk (50 slots in 10 sessions available)
(March 31 is also the early bird reduced registration deadline)

2. March 10- deadline for conference funding applications which include:
      1. Up to 30 travel awards of $500 each to early career researchers
in US labs (students, postdocs, junior faculty within first 2 years of
first faculty appointment)
      2. Up to 20 full funding awards (registration, travel, lodging) for
US members of groups traditionally under-represented in US science:
Native Americans (American Indians and Alaskan Natives),
African-Americans, Hispanics (of Central or South American descent), and
Native Pacific Islanders. The URM awards will be open to students,
postdoctoral scholars,
and faculty. There will also be some awards in this category for
teachers at designated HBCUs/1890 Institutions that teach plant biology
(or biology), even if they themselves are not a member of an
under-represented group themselves

         3. **New for this year** we are seeking funding to help a
limited number of ICAR attendees partially cover the costs associated
with childcare, in order to increase access to the meeting by parents,
especially of young children. Priority will be given to scientists
earlier in their careers (students, postdocs, junior faculty) and to
those with young children. More information on this new funding category
will be forthcoming in the following month or so. Feel free to email me
directly if you want to be
kept up to date on our funding efforts (Joanna Friesner)

3. March 31- Application deadline for workshop applications.  We will
have up to 8 slots for community-organized workshops (1 hour long). A
brief application must be submitted describing the objectives and topics
of the workshop as well as a draft lift of potential speakers. ICAR 2017
supports the AV and room costs for the workshops and includes in
advertising, but does not have funds for workshop speakers. Workshop
organizers (if selected) are responsible for the program and organizing
speakers. **All
workshop speakers must be registered for the ICAR.**

The registration site will go live this month and I will send out
notification at that time!

Joanna Friesner Ph.D.
NAASC Coordinator
Jdfriesner at ucdavis.edu

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