[afgn] GARNet2016

Marília Kaphan Freitas de Campos marilia.campos at zmbp.uni-tuebingen.de
Tue May 31 15:06:49 CEST 2016

A reminder for you and your lab-mates to register for 'GARNet2016: 
Innovation in the Plant Sciences' meeting. September 6th-7th 2016 in Cardiff.


Thanks to the support or our sponsors we have at least £500 available to support the transport and conference accommodation costs of UK-based PhD students.

This money will be distributed on a first come, first-serve basis. 
Please contact Geraint Parry (geraint at garnetcommunity.org.uk) about the availability of these travel scholarships.

GARNet has put together a set of talks on a broad range of subjects that are all linked by their use of novel experimental techniques.

Session 1: Frontiers in Plant Imaging
Session 2: Enabling the Translational Pipeline Session 3: Plant Synthetic Biology Session 4: Genomics tools for Gene Discovery Session 5: Cell Signaling


In addition we will have three workshops that aim to introduce new technologies that are available to plant scientists:

* Pre-Meeting Workshop: Finding your Arabidopsis Gene in Wheat.
Organiser: Philippa Borrill and Cristobal Uauy

* Workshop 1: Usage and Application development within Araport.
Organisers: Agnes Chan and Chris Town

* Workshop 2: Introduction to CRISPR-Cas, troubleshooting target design and verification of mutants. Organisers: Amanda Hopes and Vladimir Nekrasov

We encourage young researchers to participate in our extended poster session and to apply to give a 2 minute flash presentation.

All information about registration, conference accomodation and the scientific programme can be found at: http://garnet2016.weebly.com/

Please pass this information onto anyone who you think will be interested in this meeting. If you have any questions please contact Geraint Parry geraint at garnetcommunity.org.uk

Please encourage your colleagues to sign up for the ArabUK Newsgroup. 
Guaranteed no spam!

Dr Geraint Parry

Marília K. F. de Campos, PhD
MASC Coordinator 

ZMBP, Plant Physiology
University of Tuebingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 32
72076 Tuebingen - Germany
Phone: +49 7071 2978725

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