[afgn] PhD and postdoc position in plant science available at the TU München

Stefanie Ranf ranf at wzw.tum.de
Wed Feb 3 23:09:31 CET 2016

Dear colleagues,

I have one PhD and one postdoc position in plant science available in my 
lab at the University of Munich (see attachments). I would be grateful 
if you could advertise this at your institute and forward it to suitable 
candidates. You may also further distribute these offers.

Many thanks and kind regards,
Stefanie Ranf

/Dr. Stefanie Ranf/

/Technische Universität München/

/Wissenschaftszentrum Weihenstephan/

/Lehrstuhl für Phytopathologie/

/Emil-Ramann-Straße 2/

/85350 Freising/



/Tel +49 8161 715626/

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