[Umweltnaturwissenschaften-infoliste] Forschungspraktikum in Harare, Zimbabwe

Friedrich, Max Max.Friedrich at eawag.ch
Do Sep 10 11:05:36 CEST 2015

Liebe Studierende,

Für eine Datenerhebung im Rahmen meiner Dis in Harar, Zimbabwe suche ich einen Praktikanten/ eine Praktikantin, voraussichtlich von Ende Dezember bis Ende Februar.

Hier ist eine Kurzbeschreibung des Projektes und Praktikums.

Meldet euch gern bei Fragen und Interesse bis Ende Woche.


Effect of a Handwashing Campaign in Low-income Suburbs in Harare

THE PRESENT PROJECT comprises the design, implementation and evaluation of a hand washing campaign in urban suburbs of Harare, Zimbabwe. Hand washing with soap is considered one of the key behaviors to reduce the global burden of diarrhea and other infectious diseases. Based on the data which were obtained through a baseline survey, a behavior change campaign was developed and will be implemented. In a follow-up survey, handwashing behavior, hand contamination before and after handwashing and drivers and barriers of handwashing will be assessed again, to determine the outcome and mechanisms of action of the campaign. The project is implemented in cooperation with the SDC, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation.
THE INTERNSHIP consists of one week collaboration in development of the data collection tools and a two month field stay during the follow-up survey in Harare, from end of December 2015 to February 2016. In the field, your assignments comprise:

-       Contributing to the in-depth training of data collection team

-       Installation of field laboratory

-       Processing of hand  samples

-       Participating in the organization of  the field stay's logistics for the 20-member research team
EAWAG is a Swiss-based and internationally networked aquatic research institute committed to the ecologically, economically and socially responsible management of our water resources and aquatic ecosystems. Close collaboration between natural, engineering and social sciences permits an integrated approach to research on water and aquatic ecosystems.

Max Friedrich (M.Sc.)
Environmental Social Sciences
Environmental and Health Psychology
Überlandstrasse 133
P.O. Box 611
CH-8600 Dübendorf
Phone: +41 58 765 5671
Mobile: +263 78 200 5904
Fax: +41 58 765 5375
max.friedrich at eawag.ch<mailto:max.friedrich at eawag.ch>

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