[Ieee_vis] ACM UMAP 2024 Grants (Application Deadline: 10 May)

Wanling Cai wanling.cai at tcd.ie
Sun Apr 28 23:36:58 CEST 2024

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* Online version: https://www.um.org/umap2024/grants-and-support/

ACM UMAP 2024 – Grants and Support

ACM UMAP 2024: The 32nd ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization
Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
July 1-4, 2024

Thanks to the generous support by ACM SIGWEB, UM Inc. and US NSF, we are able to provide grants for participants at ACM UMAP 2024.

This program is intended to help students and early career researchers attend ACM UMAP 2024. Preference in financial support will be given to Doctoral Consortium presenters and to students who are first authors and will present the paper at the conference. Preference will be also given to underrepresented groups in computer science as well as attendees from economically developing countries. All individuals receiving support may be requested to help with small organization tasks during the conference.

The eligibility and special rules can be found as follows. Funds will cover the registration cost at the rate of ACM Membership. Travel expenses may be partially covered.


How to Apply

Requested Documents

Please have the following information prepared:

  *   A short statement (1-2 paragraphs) explaining your interest in participating in ACM UMAP 2024.
  *   Title of accepted papers in the conference.
  *   Estimated travel cost (if needed).
  *   Attendance type (workshop, main conference, both).
  *   A brief letter from a supervisor or advising professor in case of students. This letter (in PDF or scanned PDF) must confirm: that you are a valid student, the available funding from your university/department/supervisor/ other funding resources; that your supervisor has reviewed your budget and agrees that it is reasonable. The letter should include your supervisor’s signature.

Application Form. https://forms.gle/mzugR6pWyM5Lq65R8

Please access the application form and send the documents you prepared.


  *   Grant application deadline — 10 May 2024
  *   Grant application notification — 15 May 2024

Contact: UMAP 2024 Student Support Chairs (umap2024-studentsupport at um.org<mailto:umap2024-studentsupport at um.org>)

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