[Ieee_vis] CFP: IEEE VR 2024 Workshop on Multi-modal Affective and Social Behavior Analysis and Synthesis in Extended Reality (MASSXR)

Funda Durupinar Babur Funda.DurupinarBabur at umb.edu
Wed Dec 13 16:42:09 CET 2023

Dear colleagues,

The IEEE-MASSXR Workshop will take place during the 31st IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (IEEE VR 2024) conference, which will be held on March 16-17, 2023, in Orlando, Florida USA.  IEEE-MASSXR is a half-day in-person workshop.

The workshop invites researchers to submit original, high-quality research, survey, or position papers related to multi-modal affective and social behavior analysis and synthesis in XR. For more information, please visit the workshop’s website:   https://sites.google.com/view/massxrworkshop2024


The 2nd MASSXR Workshop will explore the intersection of immersive technologies and social-affective computing, with a focus on the advances and challenges in creating truly user-aware interaction systems within XR environments. As the field continues to advance, we focus on key research questions and emerging topics such as:

  *   What are the newest developments in using XR sensors to capture users' affective and social states? How can these methods be made more accurate and sensitive?
  *   What are the current best practices for ethically and responsibly collecting user interaction data in XR?
  *   How can we improve the generation of nuanced affective and social cues for digital avatars? What roles do advanced dialogue, voice modulation, and non-verbal behaviors play?
  *   How can we create individualized, trustworthy, and believable social and affective interactions in XR? What are the latest methodologies and techniques in this area?

Similar to last year, our objective remains to bring together a diverse group of researchers and practitioners from fields like AI, 3D computer vision/graphics, computer animation, and social-affective computing. We aim to discuss the current state, future directions, challenges, and opportunities in developing immersive embodied intelligence. This year, we particularly emphasize the integration of recent AI advancements with XR technologies to forge more immersive, responsive, and human-centric experiences. We encourage innovative perspectives, experimental results, and theoretical advancements in these areas. We believe that the workshop will continue providing collaboration opportunities for researchers and set the stage for future innovations in social XR.


Relevant topics include, but are not limited to:

  *   Analysis and synthesis of multi-modal social and affective cues in XR
  *   Data-driven expressive character animation (e.g., face, gaze, gestures, ...)
  *   AI algorithms for modeling social interactions with avatars and virtual humans
  *   Machine learning for dyadic and multi-party interactions
  *   Generating diverse, personalized, and style-based body motions
  *   Music-driven animation (e.g., dance, instrument playing)
  *   Multi-modal data collection and annotation in and for XR (e.g., using VR/AR headsets, microphones, motion capture devices, and 4D scanners)
  *   Efficient and novel machine learning methods (e.g., transfer learning, self-supervised and few-shot learning, generative and graph models)
  *   Subjective and objective analysis of data-driven algorithms for XR
  *   Applications in healthcare, education, culture, and entertainment (e.g., sign language)

Important Dates

  *   Submission deadline: January 10, 2023 (Anywhere on Earth)
  *   Notifications: January 19, 2023
  *   Camera-ready deadline: January 24, 2023
  *   Conference date: March 16-20, 2023
  *   Workshop date: March 16-17, 2023

Instructions for Submission

Authors are invited to submit research, survey, work-in-progress, or position papers:

  *   Research or survey papers: 4-6 pages + references
  *   Work-in-progress papers: 2-3 pages + references
  *   Position papers: 1-2 pages + references

Papers will be included in the IEEE Xplore library. Authors are encouraged to submit videos to aid the program committee in reviewing their submissions. Please anonymize your submissions, as the workshop uses a double-blind review process. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present their papers at the workshop.

   Papers should use the IEEE VR formatting guidelines and be submitted through the IEEE VR 2024 Precision Conference System (PCS). When starting your submission, please select the relevant track for the workshop "IEEE VR 2024 - Multi-modal Affective and Social Behavior Analysis and Synthesis in Extended Reality".

Workshop Format

The workshop will be in-person. The program will have two keynote speakers, 3-4 research paper presentations, and a panel discussion including the keynote speakers, organizers, and the audience in an interactive manner.


Funda Durupinar, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
Zerrin Yumak, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Oya Celiktutan,  King’s College London, UK
Pablo Cesar, CWI and TU Delft, The Netherlands
Aniket Bera, Purdue University, USA
Chirag Raman, TU Delft, The Netherlands
Aline Normoyle, Bryn Mawr College, USA

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