[Ieee_vis] [VAHC at VIS2023] Call for Papers

Arleo, Alessio alessio.arleo at tuwien.ac.at
Fri Jun 9 17:10:47 CEST 2023

Dear colleagues,

this is the Call for Papers for the Workshop on Visual Analytics in
Healthcare (VAHC) (in conjunction with IEEE VIS 2023)
Website: http://www.visualanalyticshealthcare.org

The submission deadline is July 17, 2023, creating an opportunity to
showcase late-breaking research results on Visual Analytics in Healthcare.

The 2023 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare (VAHC 2023) is the 14th
annual workshop that provides an opportunity for participants to discuss
state-of-the-art interactive visual data analysis techniques and review how
such techniques can be applied to healthcare data. The primary objective of
the workshop is to bring together leading VIS designers, scientists, medical
experts, and visionaries to discuss: a) interactive data visualization
techniques that can be applied to healthcare data, b) areas of healthcare
that need more attention from visualization and visual data analysis
research, and c) emerging research trends, visualization techniques,
software applications, benchmarks, and open datasets. The workshop will
enable presenters to showcase their ongoing work through oral presentations
and system demos, either as video supplemental material or live demos during
the workshop to be arranged with the organizers for maximum visibility. In
years past, demos of prototype and/or production visual analytics software
have been particularly well received, and paper submitters are encouraged to
submit a companion demo proposal.

VAHC assigns Best Paper and Honorable Mention awards. The awards entail a
certificate and recognition on the VAHC website. This year, we also plan to
invite authors of high-quality papers to submit a revised and extended
version to an internationally recognized scientific journal (t.b.a. soon).
The topic of this special issue will be ?Interactive Visualization of Health
Data for Digital and Personal Health?. The review process will seek to
assign the same reviewers for previously accepted VAHC papers. Watch out for
details in our second call for papers.

We welcome discussions of the use of visual approaches, interaction design,
statistical methods, and machine learning for healthcare data analysis.
Participants may address the needs of various user groups, including (but
not limited to) patients, clinical researchers, epidemiologists, public
health analysts, physicians, hospital-based quality assurance officers, and
insurance claim analysts.

The 2023 Workshop on Visual Analytics in Healthcare will cover a range of
topics on the design, implementation, deployment, evaluation, and
abstraction of visual analytics methods, including (but not limited to):
Clinical care
   - Prescription drugs and drug-drug interactions 
   - Multi-omic datasets 
   - Longitudinal clinical data 
   - Visual data mining of EMRs
   - Specific treatment contexts, emergency department, patient safety,
mental health.
   - Clinical workflows
   - Outcome forecasting or prediction
   - Explainable AI and ML in healthcare 
Digital health and personal health
   - Mobile health
   - Wearable devices' data control and processing
   - Telehealth and telemedicine
   - Personalized medicine
Patient-related applications:
   - Patient-generated health data
   - Understanding of patient behavior and experience 
   - Patient education  
   - Physician-patient communication 
Public health data:
   - Pandemic forecasting and tracking  
   - Learning from crises with visualization 
   - Public health surveillance systems

VAHC 2023 will have a new paper format!
We will accept short papers with up to six pages plus one page of references

We encourage a diverse range of submissions and demonstrations from
academia, healthcare organizations, and industry in any of the short paper
types listed below:
Application papers (format: 6+1)
Research papers (format: 6+1)
Positions and system demo papers (format 2+1) 
Posters (format: 2+1 abstract and A0 poster)

Accepted application papers and research papers will be published in the
IEEE Xplore digital library. Accepted system demo papers and posters will be
included in the VAHC proceedings and made available via IEEE VIS for digital
download. We remind you that at least one author of each accepted paper is
expected to be in person at the workshop to present. 
All accepted types of submissions will have the chance for an oral

Demo: Every system demo paper may be accompanied by a video demo submission

All material will be submitted via the Precision Conference System (PCS):

For all submissions, please use the VGTC conference-style template:

Contact vahc.sig at gmail.com if you have any questions.

Deadline for submission: July 17, 2023
Notification of acceptance: August 14, 2023 
Camera-ready papers due: August 28, 2023 
VAHC 2023 workshop: October 22 or 23, 2023

Visit http://www.visualanalyticshealthcare.org to join our mailing list.

General Chair - Jurgen Bernard, University of Zurich
Co-Chair - Annie T. Chen, University of Washington
Co-Chair - Danny T.Y. Wu, University of Cincinnati

Alessio Arleo, Vienna University of Technology
Swaminathan Kandaswamy, Emory University
Karthik Adapa, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Alessio Arleo, Ph.D.
Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
Faculty of Informatics
Institute of Visual Computing & Human-Centered Technology
Favoritenstrasse 9-11 /193-07
A-1040 Vienna, Austria, Europe
email: alessio.arleo at tuwien.ac.at
url: https://alessioarleo.com
phone: +43-1-58801-188211

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