[Ieee_vis] Participants wanted for user study on Morphing Edge Drawing

Alessandra Tappini alessandra.tappini at unipg.it
Thu May 11 14:09:29 CEST 2023

Dear Colleagues,

we are conducting a user study to evaluate the readability of MED - morphing edge drawing.

If you have a bit of time, please help us by participating to the study!

This will take you about 15-25 minutes, including a short tutorial and a short training.
Since you will be asked to execute visual tasks, please use a large enough screen (e.g., laptop or external monitor). Also, we recommend the Google Chrome browser.

Please, visit the survey here:

Comments are also very welcome! (You can provide feedback in the last question of the study.)

Thank you in advance for your consideration and your valuable help.

Carla Binucci
Henry Förster
Julia Katheder
Alessandra Tappini
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